Then, I heard the Father say to me, "Are you willing to give it all up for the sake of the call, and move out of your comfort zone to be a missionary to a lost world?" Even though, I had everything that would make most people satisfied and happy, I was growing very frustrated and discouraged about what was going on in the "church". I remember crying out to the Father and saying, "We need righteous men to be leaders and pastors who will stand up for purity and holiness. Where are the righteous men who fear you and hate evil?" Then the Father said, "What about you?!" My response was, "What about me?" I did not feel like I was educated enough to ever be in a leadership position in the body, but I had a willing heart. The reason I am telling this story is to encourage the believers that the Father is looking for people with pure hands, pure hearts, and pure motives to do the work of His ministry. It is not about us, it is about HIM! It's always been about Him and the entire world will realize that in the end.
When I started really reading the Scriptures, I saw that the message was clear. We are in a blood covenant where we are married to the Messiah. If we will be a faithful bride and not a harlot, He has unbelievable blessings waiting for us when we walk in obedience. Will you join into His covenant according to His terms, or will you try to make up you own rules? He has blessings for those who chose to follow according to His rules. I'm excited to be a part of His plan.
So, after the Father showed me the error of my ways and brought me to obedience to His Torah, I began to submit my life unto the Yahweh's plan for me. We began to sell our belongings, downsizing to smaller homes 3 times until all we had left was some tubs of office supplies, kitchen things and toiletries, etc. that we needed to use up until the very end. We also had a wrecked car that we bought for $80 from friends and our mini-van that we had tried unsuccessfully to sell. Finally, after 6 years, we were able to see the vision the Father had planted in us become a reality as we departed for Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) .
Even during our times in Israel (several of us have gone back on 3 other trips also [2008, 2010 & 2012]), we saw the Father's hand move mightily as you will see in the pictures and stories below. After we were in Israel for a few months, we sold our van to a friend in the States, who later told us that he bought it so that he could bless us with it back when we returned home. He knew we needed the money and were trying to sell it, so he wanted to keep anyone else from buying it! Halleluyah!! It is so awesome how the Father provides for our every need.
May you be blessed as you journey with us through our time in the Holy Land.

David, Sonia, Zechariah, Isaiah, Mariah and Leiah Bowling